
 Finding Jobs Using Social Media, by way of SimplyHired:

The SimplyHired blog had a good short post on Finding Jobs Using Social Media. The first three items in the list are all something that I talk about in my presentation called Supercharge your Job Search Using Linkedin:

1. Create LinkedIn, Plaxo, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter accounts

2. Start mining and working your connections

3. Get referrals from your LinkedIn connections

The fourth items is a reference to a neat feature the SimplyHired has:

Use the Who Do I Know feature on SimplyHired.com – If you find a job on SimplyHired.com that you are interested in, by using this feature, you can see if you know anyone who currently works at that company, and recruit their help to get you an interview. For more info about using the In feature, check out the blog post Birthdays, LinkedIn and Dancing Bees.

Linkedin also has the ability to do this because it uses the SimplyHired search engine for searching for jobs, then displays the search results with a column called the JobsInsider that will allow you to search the company to see if you know anyone that works there that is in your Linkedin network. This is the kind of information that only social networking can easily uncover, and the ability to find it is what makes utilizing social media and social networking a MUST for a successful job search today.