
These tips should help your confidence
for an interview:

Sweaty palms. Butterflies in your stomach. Heart pounding in your chest. Regardless of your form of nervousness, a job interview can bring out anxiety in anyone, especially if you're just starting a job search or it's your first o in many years. There are a few simple things to keep in mind as you mentally prepare for interviews that can help tremendously in helping you ensure you're ready when the interview starts.

Consider these (abbreviated) Six Tips for the Ultimate Job Interview by Liz Handlin of Ultimate Resumes:

1. Be friendly. Making eye contact and being courteous and friendly to everyone you meet during the interview process will help your candidacy.

2. Listen before you speak. One thing that recruiters almost always assess is your ability to listen carefully and think before you speak.

3. Be positive. Find a way to answer honestly but describe situations in a positive light.

4. Be prepared. Before you interview do your homework on the company.

5. Mind your handshake. A handshake should be firm but not so firm that it crushes the other person’s hand.

6. Wear appropriate clothing that fits you. Whatever you choose to wear to an interview, it’s important to make sure that it is fairly conservative and that it fits you.

There will always be a certain degree of nervousness and stress before an interview. Proper preparation will go along way to helping you turn that stress into a great performance during your interview.